
Questions? Comments?
​Event requests?
Here's how I can hear from you!

For the latest issue of Patricia's newsletter, click here.

Emails are generally responded to directly from myself:

​​Physical Mail:
*Stay tuned*                                             
I have already planned to have regular book club meetings in the future via Zoom. If your book club is interested in participating or if you know of any individuals who would like to participate, please fill out the contact form or send me an email.       
For film/television inquiries, please contact:                              

c/o Prince William Arthur Philip Louis Mounbatten-Windsor                      Bagshot Park                                    Bagshot Surrey GU19 5PL

For all other rights inquiries, please contact:
*Stay tuned*                                                      
For all press inquiries, please email:

Patricia M. Muhammad © All rights reserved 2022-2024
*Borders for Love Captured press kit by PNGtree 

*Borders for Stolen Grace press kit by PNGtree
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