
                    Patricia M. Muhammad's                     Full Academic Bibliography


*Wikipedia, 'Middle Passage', ref. 26 (last updated May 19, 2024)

*IBW21 'Affirmative Action is Gutted, Now's the Time for Reparations',  June 30, 2023.

*The Seattle Medium, 'Affirmative Action Is Over. The Time For Reparations Is Now', July 6, 2023.

*The Daily Beast, ''Affirmative Action Is Gutted. Now’s the Time for Reparations' July 1, 2023.

*The Hill, 'Reparations. The lost cause of black politics?', Roger House, May 13, 2019. 

 *'El gran negocio de la deshumanización y la legalidad de lo inconcebible: recordando las víctimas de la esclavitud y la trata transatlántica de esclavos, Publications Deja Un Comentario, Marzo 25, 2018

*United Nations - Information Service Meeting News and Media Durban Review Conference RC/09/13 AFTERNOON 24 April 2009 High Commissioner For Human Rights

Patricia M. Muhammad © All rights reserved 2022-2024
*Borders for Love Captured press kit by PNGtree 

*Borders for Stolen Grace press kit by PNGtree
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