Patricia M. Muhammad is an multi-genre fiction author of crossover contemporary romance/science fiction, science fiction/fantasy, mystery, magical realism, fact-fiction and historical romance genres. She has currently written thirty-five(35) novels and books.                                                                                                             

Patricia often incorporates characters of multi-racial heritage and interracial relationships into her books. As a young girl, she often found herself immersed in the stories of fictional characters; from animated animals to youth who were amateur detectives, to a young girl survivor on a mission to save her younger brother off the coast of the wilderness. These stories contributed to her budding imagination.  

She is currently working on her next book manuscript.   

Patricia M. Muhammad © All rights reserved 2022-2024
*Borders for Love Captured press kit by PNGtree 

*Borders for Stolen Grace press kit by PNGtree
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